The Role of the Chairman of the Company
The role of the Chairman has been changing, in the process assuming greater significance

Today, the Chairman of the company is more than Chairman of the Board
As the Chairman of the Company, the current role requires different skill set from the more limited role of the past. Rather than directing and controlling, the role of the Chairman these days is more of leading, facilitating, mentoring, coaching and encouraging etc
The special responsibilities of the Chairman include:
- Taking the chair at Board meetings;
- Ensuring the proper working of the Board;
- Sometimes acting as the leading representative of the Company in its dealings with the outside world, including the financial markets, regulators, the press, governments, interest groups and the community;
- Maintaining proper shareholder relations, both formally through the Annual General Meeting and reporting procedures, and informally with all major shareholders;
- Initiating policy decisions with the Chief Executive and the Board;
- Ensuring the existence of an effective strategic planning system and the appropriate consideration of future development possibilities;
- Ensuring that the Board plays an active role in strategic review and that development proposals and planning issues are referred to the Board for discussion and approval;
- Establishing basic priorities, ethical values, policies and attitudes for the Company;
- Ensuring that probity is maintained in accounting, reporting and all other respects;
- Monitoring the Chief Executive’s performance against established criteria/measures of financial and operating performance, in conjunction with the Board;
- Deciding, together with the Chief Executive, what matters should be the concern of the Board, and which are purely management matters, to be left to the executive management;
- Acting as counselor, adviser and listener to the Chief Executive and, where necessary, other members of the Board;
- Ensuring a sound management structure through the appointment of the best management the Company can afford.
Quality Comes First! We Make Sure That Every Minute Detail Is Looked Into by the Chairman While Carrying the Board Along.
The chair’s primary role is to ensure that the board is effective in setting and implementing the organization’s direction and strategy
The Responsibility of the Chairman of the Board of the Company is to specifically lead the Board while focusing on strategic matters, overseeing the Company’s business and setting high governance standards. The Chairman plays a pivotal role in fostering the effectiveness of the Board and the individual Directors, both inside and outside the board room.